报告人:陈义强 Permanent senior staff scientist
报告题目: Instrumentation ofTransmission Electron Microscopy and its Optics
KAUST: King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
报告时间:2024年6月11号 (星期二) 16:30-17:30
摘要: Transmissionelectron microscopyand its instrumentationhas been developed for many decades as a standard and powerful toolset for versatilecharacterization in materials science. In this presentation, the author will reviewconsiderations for building microscope electron optical elements into applications in materials science, for example, aberration corrector, and how to select which technique for what application to a variety of materials.
简介: Dr Chen is currently a senior staff scientist in image and characterization core lab in Kaust. He received his PhD in the University of Manchester (UK), as well as well the bachelor and master degrees in Harbin Institute of Technology (China). He has worked as research fellow in Monash University (Australia) and Max-Planck institute of Iron research (Germany). He then joined Thermofisher Scientific Inc. as senior application scientist in Eindhoven (Netherlands) before joining Kaust.