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职  称:讲师 办公地址:格致楼4067 邮  箱:xuyl@lzu.edu.cn

政治面貌:中共党员 联系电话:




2004年本科毕业于兰州大学材料物理专业,获学士学位。2004年至2011年在兰州大学攻读研究生,于2011年6月获得工学博士学位。在攻读博士学位期间,于2007 年11 月至2009 年8 月,在国家留学基金委资助下,以中外联合培养师资博士生身份赴德国Karlsruhe 研究中心纳米技术研究所学习。博士毕业后留校从事教学和科研工作。





[1]Peng Peng*, Wanchao Zheng, Xing Pei, Yuanli Xu*, Xudong Zhang, Zhikun Ma, Jiatai Wang, Investigation on melt concentration during thermal stabilization before directional growth in a Mg–Li eutectic alloy in presence of element volatilization, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 296 (2023) 127224.

[2] ChunhuiMa, Xiuli Ma, Xing Pei, Yuanli Xu*, Peng Peng*, Ning Wang*, Effects of rolling reduction on the microstructure and mechanical properties of hot-rolled Mg-Li-Al-Ca alloys, Materials Today Communications, 37(2023)107469.

[3] Peng Peng*, Zhihao Zhao, Xiaoning Feng, Shudong Zhou, Yuanli Xu*, Xudong Zhang, Zhikun Ma, Changjiang Zhang, Jiatai Wang, Analysis on phase transformation and lamellar formation of Ti-47.5Al-3Nb-1.5/3.5Cr alloys by confocal laser scanning in-situ observation, Materials Characterization, 200(2023)112915.

[4] Shudong Zhou, Peng Peng*, Yuanli Xu, Xudong Zhang, Zhikun Ma, Jiren Yang, Jiatai Wang, Investigation on microstructure and mechanical properties of heat-treated Ti-47.5Al–3Nb-3.5Cr alloy, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 832(2022)142366.

[5] Yuanli Xu*, Jiahe Song, Wenli Ma,Xinli Kou, Effect of aspect ratio on the serrated flow behavior ofZr61.7Al8Ni13Cu17Sn0.3bulk metallic glass, Journal of Materials Science, 56(2021)16712.

[6]Yuanli Xu*,Bo Shi,Effects of strain and strain rate on the evolution of shear bands for room temperature rolled Pd40Ni40P20bulk metallic glass, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 485(2018)74.

[7] Yuanli Xu*,Bo Shi,Effect of compressive deformation on thermaland corrosive properties ofZr61.7Al8Ni13Cu17Sn0.3bulk metallic glass, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 32(2018)1850077。

[8] Yuanli Xu*,Wei Liang,Effect of room temperature ageing on structureand thermal stability of as-cast and deformedPd40Ni40P20metallic glass, International Journal of Modern Physics B,21(2018)1850225.
