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职  称:青年研究员 办公地址:贵勤楼A307 邮  箱:dengjie@lzu.edu.cn

政治面貌:中共党员 联系电话:




       邓杰,1992年生,四川 射洪市人,在四川大学 化学学院取得学士学位和硕士学位,于2021年6月在四川大学新能源与低碳技术研究院取得博士学位。2021年7月入职于西南石油大学 化学化工学院,研究领域为能源环境催化材料,主要研究方向为:高性能稀土纳米材料及其在机动车尾气催化净化和CO2催化转化中的应用。现主持国家自然科学青年基金1项(22202160)、四川省自然科学青年基金1项(2022NSFSC1041)、西南石油大学启航计划项目1项(2021QHZ023),已以第一作者身份在Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering、Applied Catalysis A, General等期刊发表SCI论文9篇。


       2024.2至今 兰州大学 青年研究员

       2021.7-2023.12 西南石油大学 讲师

       2018.9-2021.6 四川大学 能源环境工程博士学士

       2015.9-2018.8 四川大学 物理化学硕士

       2011.9-2015.8 四川大学 化学学士




       3.西南石油大学启航计划项目,铈基催化剂活性中心结构调控及催化CO2合成DMC的研究(2021QHZ023 ),2021.12-2024.12,主持,10万。


1.Jie Deng, Chengyao Liang, Shanshan Li, Jianli Wang*, Yongdong Chen* and Yaoqiang Chen, The influence of κ-Ce2Zr2O8content on three-way catalytic performance, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 11 (2023) 109894.

2.Jie Deng, Shanshan Li, Xinyi Yin, Jianli Wang*, Yongdong Chen* and Yaoqiang Chen, Influence of surface Ce/Zr ratio on formation of κ-Ce2Zr2O8 superstructure and its application in three-way catalysis, Journal of Rare Earths 41 (2023) 67-76.

3.Jie Deng, Zhangjie Li, Shanshan Li, Jianli Wang*, Yongdong Chen* and Yaoqiang Chen, The strengthened Pd-(CeO2-ZrO2) interaction by κ-Ce2Zr2O8and the improved three-way catalytic performance, Applied Catalysis A, General, 646 (2022) 118831.

4.Jie Deng, Yusheng Chen, Yi Jiao, Jianli Wang* and Yaoqiang Chen, Formation of partial κ-Ce2Zr2O8phase and its promotion on three-way catalysis, Materials Research Bulletin, 141 (2021) 111341.

5.Jie Deng, Shanshan Li, Yi Jiao, Jianli Wang* and Yaoqiang Chen*, Preparation of nanostructured CeO2-ZrO2-based materials with stabilized surface area and their catalysis in soot oxidation, Applied Surface Science, 505 (2020) 144301.

6.Jie Deng, Jianli Wang* and Yaoqiang Chen*, Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured CeO2-ZrO2material with improved low-temperature reducibility, Materials Characterization,155 (2019) 109808.

7.Jie Deng, Shanshan Li, Jianli Wang* and Yaoqiang Chen*, Different thermal behavior of nanostructured CeO2-ZrO2based oxides with varied Ce/Zr molar ratios, Materials Chemistry and Physics,236 (2019) 121767.

8.Jie Deng, Yi Zhou, Shanshan Li, Jianli Wang and Yaoqiang Chen*, Designed synthesis and characterization of nanostructured ceria-zirconia based material with enhanced thermal stability and its application in three-way catalysis. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 64 (2018) 219-229.

9.Jie Deng, Yi Zhou, Jianli Wang and Yaoqiang Chen*, The influence of H2O2on the properties of CeO2-ZrO2mixed oxides. Journal of Materials science, 52 (2017) 5242–5255.
