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兰州大学材料与能源学院 > 师资队伍>教师队伍



  • 职  称:副教授
  • 政治面貌:中共党员
  • 招生专业:材料科学与工程、材料工程
  • 研究方向:高温合金、全固态电池、电子显微学
  • 办公地址:飞云楼218
  • 联系电话:
  • 邮  箱:mas@lzu.edu.cn

2021年博士毕业于西安交通大学,期间于2018年至2020年前往美国Georgia Institute of Technology进行博士生联合培养,2021年至2024年在清华大学材料科学与工程学院/国家电子显微镜中心(北京)从事博士后研究工作,合作导师为朱静院士。

主要从事高温合金、电池电极材料及固态电解质的设计、制备和微观组织的高通量多尺度电子显微学研究。在J. Am. Chem. Soc、ACS Energy Letters、Carbon、J. Manufact. Proces.、J. alloy. Compound. 、Mater. Charact.等国际高水平期刊上发表SCI研究论文20余篇,研究工作得到了国际同行的高度评价和多次引用,获国家授权发明专利9项。担任J. alloy and compounds, Materials & Design 期刊资深审稿人, 任MetalMat期刊青年编委。主持中国博士后科学基金面上项目一等资助,企业横向等数项科研项目,获得陕西省科技工作者创新创业大赛铜奖,第一届陕西省博士后创新创业大赛银奖。


2024年9月 兰州大学 材料与能源学院 副教授

2021年4月-2024年9月 清华大学材料科学与工程学院/国家电子显微镜中心(北京),博士后/助理研究员,合作导师:朱静院士




2018年11月-2020年11月GeorgiaInstitute of Technology,联合培养博士,合作导师:HailongChen




3. 三维网络石墨烯原位改性金刚石的界面调控及强化机制研究(H20231012),河南省超硬材料智能制造装备集成重点实验室,主持



6. XXX单晶高温合金研究(20191830229),两机基础研究重大专项,参与

7.基于智能涂层的飞机结构损伤原位监测研究(20171312371),国家自然科学基金, 参与





1. J. Tang+, Shuan Ma+ et al. Structural disorder Triggered by small organic molecules Boosting δ-MnO2 cathode for Ultra-Stable aqueous zinc ion batteries. Chemical Engineering Journal 500 (2024) 157529.

2. Q.H.Zhou, S.Ma*, M.b Liu*.et al. The Distribution of Reinforcements in Titanium Matrix Composites Enhanced with Graphene: From Dispersed to Networked. Carbon, 2024, 226, 119204

3. S. Ma*, J. Zhu, et al. Atomic-scale observation of the interfaces between η and γ matrix in ATI718Plus [J]. Mater. Charact.2024(215), 114196

4. Yang, S. Ma*, J. Lei*, et al. Nano and micron WC particles reinforced Hastelloy C22 coatings manufactured by directed energy deposition. J.Alloy. Compds., 970 (2024) 172540

5. Z.l.Li, G.J.Xu, S. Ma, Wei F. et al. Synthesis of 12-Connected Three Dimensional Covalent Organic Framework with lnj Topology. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 146, 4327−4332

6.Y. Yang, S. Ma, Ke Li, H. Han, J. Lei,Boosted wear and electrochemical corrosion resistance properties of Ti6Al4V alloy via graphene nanoplatelets and titanium particles, Journal of Manufacturing Processes,2014(124): 818-833

7.S. Ma, M. Liu*, Controlled synthesis of Ni0.85Se microstructures with different morphologies and their morphology-dependent electrochemical supercapacitor properties[J]. J. Alloy. Compds., 728(2017):592-599.

8.S. Ma, M. Liu* et al. Microstructure and mechanical properties of nickel strengthened by Y2O3through rock-milling and spark plasma sintering[J]. J. Alloy. Compds.,750(2018):911-916.

9.S. Ma, M. Liu* et al. Effects of temperature on microstructure and mechanical properties of IN718 reinforced by reduced graphene oxide through spark plasma sintering[J]. J. Alloy. Compds.,767(2018):675-681.

10.S. Ma, M. Liu. A Facile Synthesis of GNSs-Inconel718 Composites with High Strength via Spark Plasma Sintering[J]. J. Alloy. Compds., 922 (2022) 166270.

11. S. Ma, W. Wang. Hydrothermally Prepared MnSe2Nanosheets As a Novel Electrode Material for Supercapacitor. 236ECS meeting Abstract,The Electrochemical Society. Atlanta, Georgia, USA. 2019, 2(01):37.

12. Z. Liu+, S. Ma+,H. Chen * et al. High Ionic Conductivity Achieved in Li3Y(Br3Cl3) Mixed Halide Solid Electrolyte via Promoted Diffusion Pathways and Enhanced Grain Boundary[J]. ACS Energy Lett.,(6)2021:298-254.

13. S. Zhou, S. Ma*, et al. Microstructure evolution and tensile properties tailoring of graphene nanoplatelets/nickel composites fabricated by twostep 3D vibration milling[J]. J. Alloy. Compds., 918 (2022) 165676.





